In some places worldwide, tipping is expected when you go to a restaurant or use valet parking. It might even be looked down upon if you do not tip. On the contrary, people don’t appreciate it if you pay anything to the waiter outside the regular bill in some other parts of the world.
So what about Dubai? Should you tip in Dubai, or should you not? Things are much more relaxed in Dubai. Millions of tourists visit here every year. There is a mixture of cultures everywhere, so people generally understand and are used to other customs and conventions. For that reason, there is no hard and fast rule.
Also, in the UAE, it’s against the law to add tips to the bill or anything other than the price of the food in restaurants. Still, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t tip.
Restaurants used to add an extra amount as service charges to the bill. However, this was banned according to consumer protection law. Restaurants in luxury hotels and other unique places like amusement parks or cinemas can charge 10 percent more.
Though it is not compulsory, it’s customary to tip in some places like high-end restaurants and hotels. Nobody in the US will make any fuss if you leave the restaurant without tipping. So whether you tip or not, you won’t get into any dispute over it.

Tipping Culture in Dubai vs. the US
Americans are known for their generous tipping habits. Although they borrowed this habit from the Europeans, they took it a level further. The European tip generally ranges from 10- 15 percent. In the US, anything less than 15 percent is bad manners.
It even affects the laws. Employers can pay less than minimum wage for workers who get tips. Although that is not the case in Dubai, people agree to work at lower salaries in hopes of receiving tips. Keep in mind that there is no mandated minimum wage in Dubai.
How much should I tip in Dubai?
Let’s suppose you chose to tip instead. How much should you pay? In the US, you should tip at least 15% of the bill. Anything less than that means you are unhappy with the service and will probably never visit that place again. There is nothing like that in Dubai.
People tip a fixed amount to save on calculation effort or to let the waiter keep the change. Anything above 15 percent of the bill amount will be larger than necessary to pay in Dubai. Those receiving it might even look at you in surprise. A 10 or 20 AED tip is a good tip in most cases.

Restaurant waiters
If you like the service, you can tip 15 percent. But expect to get a look of surprise from the waiter. Most of the time, it will be considered too big an amount. People only accept tips from European visitors. It will be more convenient to round the bill amount. Most of the floating restaurants in Dubai set buffets on a dinner cruise.
Hotel porters and Valets Parkings
If you have a change, a 5 or 10 AED tip will suffice, especially if they have to carry your heavy luggage. But you don’t have to fumble through your pocket if you don’t have change.
Taxi Drivers
You can tip them like the valley or a hotel porter. In this case, you can also let them keep the change. They would be happy to do that.
Delivery drivers
In the case of delivery drivers, rounding up the bill amount to the nearest figure will make a tip and make things easier.

That being said, most people won’t expect you to tip. They will not ask you for tips, so you can choose without feeling any cultural taboos. Nevertheless, service workers continue to receive tips from foreign tourists, making a considerable part of their extra income. Tourists usually tip their safari guides and desert safari drivers for a thrilling dune bashing. So, tipping in Dubai is unnecessary; it’s more of a bonus.
What else can you do instead of tipping in Dubai?
If you choose not to tip and do what the Romans did in Rome, you have a few options. Good feedback about the service you received will be great for the employee. Taxi services like Uber and Careem can do that by default.
Whom should you not tip?
Tipping government employees and civil servants falls under bribing and can get you into jail.
Which workers get the most tips in Dubai
In Dubai, restaurant servers, food delivery drivers, beauticians, and maids get the most tips. Following them are maintenance service members, laundry workers, and taxi drivers. Drivers of online taxis do not get tips that often from customers. This can be because all payments are online, and there is no chance of rounding up the fare or letting them keep the change.